Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
”I will not apologize for my truth making you feel uncomfortable.”: How to speak your truth, release shame, and deepen your relationships.
What are the consequences of holding back your truth? What impact can you make for yourself and others when you speak your truth despite it being uncomfortable in the moment?
On today's episode, I have special guest Donna Mills. She's a Holistic Healing therapist specialising in energy healing, 121 soul coaching, tarot readings, workshops and host to the podcast: Living Authentically the Messy Way.
We talk about the importance of honest vulnerability, how it can enrich relationships, and what it truly means to break free of shame. It's one of my absolute favorite conversations.
Living Authentically the Messy Way Podcast
Donna Mills FB
FREE [LIMITED TIME] MASTERCLASS: Why Photo Taking is the Secret Key to Creating the Life You're Meant For
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