Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
The Deeper Responsibility of Photographing a Family with Childhood Photographer Carly Mitchell
For whatever reason, the distinction of nice vs kind has stuck with me ever since I was made aware of it. As someone that loves to comfort and make people happy, it's something I purposely check in with myself on. Being nice is so much easier than being kind. Being nice satisfies this moment. Being kind is doing something that may feel uncomfortable or scary in order to act in what you believe to be the highest good for another. That's what I feel when I think about saying "yes" to an initial ask/client inquiry & pushing back, giving context, and helping someone see a more enduring possibility they may not have considered.
When Childhood Photographer Carly Mitchell wrote a blog entitled "We were together, I forget the rest: On Family Photo Session Locations" on the importance of really considering family photo session locations, I knew I wanted to chat more. In this conversation, Carly & I chat about true responsibility in photographing a family, making intentional choices in the work/offerings you create, and what is behind the heart/human of it all.
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